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Hawaii Rent Relief and Housing Assistance Program

Hawaii Rent Relief and Housing Assistance Program

하와이 주정부에서 시행하는 렌트보조프로그램이 시행중입니다.

Catholic Charities Hawaii에서 현재 이 프로그램의 진행을 돕고 있으니

해당하시는 분들은 아래의 정보로 연락하거나 알아보시기 바랍니다.

자격요건은 아래와 같습니다.

1. 호놀룰루 카운티 거주민일 것.

2. 비지니스의 폐업, 실직, 소득의 감소로 인한 어려움에 대해서 증명할 것.

3. 지역중간소득보다 낮을 것.

- 1인가정 $88,200이하, 2인가정 $100,800이하, 3인가정 $113,400이하, 4인가정 $125,900이하

4. 현재의 소득이 2020년 3월 4일 보다 적을 것.

5. 현재 HPHA public housing 혹은 Section 8 program의 수혜자가 아닐 것.

위 조건에 해당하면 8월 1일부터 12월말까지 한달에 2천불씩 아래의 비용에 대한

지원을 받을 수 있습니다.

1. 모기지 페이먼트

2. 렌트 페이먼트

3. 유틸리티 페이먼트

Dear Valued Members of KCC

As you may have already heard on the news, Governor Ige, announced a “Rent Relief & Housing Assistance Program” or “RRHAP” that is set to cover from August 1, 2020 until end of this year.

Below is the more detailed general outline of the purpose of the fund. The full guideline and application is not yet available, but please keep checking the following link for up to date information on eligibility details and how to apply.


The purpose of the State of Hawaii’s Rent Relief and Housing Assistance Program is to provide assistance to renters who have experienced or are facing a reduction in income because of the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and are at risk of eviction

The program provides renters with monthly rent, as well as financial counseling. Funded by a portion of the Federal CARES Act, the program is administered by nonprofit partners Catholic Charities Hawaii and Aloha United Way.

UPDATE: Applications for assistance are currently being accepted for rent payments due between August 1 and December 28, 2020.

The Rent Relief and Housing Assistance Program will end on December 28, 2020.

Residents in HPHA public housing or Section 8 program are not eligible.


You can apply for the State of Hawaii Rent Relief and Housing Assistance Program if you:

Are a full-time Hawaii resident.

Have proof of valid and current tenancy for a primary residence in the State of Hawaii.

Are 18 years of age or older.

Can demonstrate a loss of income directly resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Can demonstrate that your current household income does not exceed 100% Area Median Income, as defined by Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 2020 Income Limits.

Are not in HPHA public housing or Section 8 program.


Monthly rent payments of up to $2,000 per household residing in the City and County of Honolulu, or $1,500 per household residing in the Counties of Hawaii, Maui or Kauai.

Any applicable financial counseling and assistance with rent payment plans or rent negotiation.

Warmest Aloha

Business Manager


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